Our specialised services for women are here to support you

Pregnancy is a special time, and keeping good physical and mental health is an essential part of enjoying and thriving, both during and beyond this period. Becoming pregnant and entering into motherhood places huge demands on the mother’s physical body, especially around the pelvis, ribs and hips. Alongside this there are disturbed and altered sleep patterns, hormonal changes, and changes in mental capacity and load.

We strongly believe that there is a lot that can be done to prevent these issues occurring in the first place and that every pregnant woman would benefit from an assessment by a Women’s Health Physiotherapist.

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There is strong evidence that having a Women’s Health Physiotherapist as a part of your healthcare team can help you navigate and manage physical changes to your body in pregnancy, help you prepare and improve your birth outcomes, and allow for a more successful post-natal recovery.

    • Pelvic girdle pain/Sacroiliac joint dysfunction

    • Urinary Incontinence

    • Rib and thoracic pain

    • Hip, groin and pubic symphysis

    • Carpel Tunnel Syndrome

    • Neck pain and headaches

    • Round ligament pain

    • Management of vulvar and leg varicosities

    • Real Time Ultrasound to help train pelvic floor and core

  • We will start with taking a detailed history of your health and general wellbeing followed by asking specific questions that relate to your condition or concern. During the assessment we may ask personal and sensitive questions about your bladder and bowel health, lower back/hip/pelvic pain, sexual history and other questions related to general wellbeing. This is a really crucial part of the ‘conversation’ relating to pregnancy treatment/management and birth preparation. By asking you these sensitive questions we can potentially uncover further information to help you understand the onset and extent of your symptoms, and how we can determine the right treatment and management for you.

    Depending on your concern the physiotherapist will assess your lower back, pelvis, hip and abdomen, asking you to perform functional movement patterns whilst observing how your body moves. We then can assess the pelvic floor complex via Real Time Ultrasound (externally) and via an internal examination. This provides important information regarding pelvic floor muscle tone, strength, endurance and coordination. Following this we can formulate a management and/or treatment plan with an individualised home program specific to your pregnancy concern.

    *Note: Our Pregnancy Assessment may involve an internal examination. During our assessment we are able to modify or cease the assessment if you are feeling uncomfortable.

  • There is strong evidence that working with a womens health physiotherapist to help you prepare for birth can improve your birth, decrease the risk of tearing, and give you the best chance at having a good post-natal recovery. More importantly feeling educated and empowered going into pregnancy and birth can have a hugely positive effect on your wellbeing.

    Birth preparation with a womens health physiotherapist will cover the following things:

    • Assessing your pelvic floor

    • Screening for a high tone pelvic floor that could impact your birth.

    • Assessing the effectiveness of your bearing down manoeuvre and assist in training this to prepare for the second stage (pushing stage) of delivery.

    • Teaching you and providing you with an individual pelvic floor exercise program leading up to birth.

    • Discussion of different birth skills and ways of dealing with labour pain.

    • Obstetric TENS: We have these TENS to hire out and can teach you how to use.

    • Perineal massage/advice on Epi-no to assist reducing your chances of tearing and manage pain.

    • Massage for you and your partner during labour

    • Acupressure points for labour

    • Visualisations and affirmations

    • Active labour techniques and breathing

    Ideally, we want you to be going into your birth feeling empowered, educated and with the most optimal pelvic floor.

    **Depending on your presentation we advise having a pregnancy assessment from 20 weeks gestation. This gives you an opportunity to discuss with your GP/Obstetrician regarding any specific issues or concerns you have, and for us to have enough time to formulate a management plan specific to you going forward.

Looking for additional birth prep? Try Born Ready.

‘Born Ready aims to Empower you towards your Best Birth. We do this by giving you the science behind birth so that you can truly understand all of your options and make the right choices for you.’

Body Align Physio is one of the affiliates of Born Ready and we are thrilled to be able to offer the workshops at our clinic location.

Nurture your body in pregnancy with exercise

Want to stay active during your pregnancy or use Pilates to build strength post-partum? We welcome you to join our Pilates classes. 

Staying active and becoming involved in regular exercise in pregnancy and during the post-natal period offers a great deal of benefits. Our equipment, reformer or mat Pilates classes will help you to keep healthy and strong throughout your pregnancy and ease you back into exercise following the birth of your baby and beyond.

Our classes are open to all pregnant and postnatal women with modifications given.

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Pregnancy or Postnatal Pilates